Sharjah Airport Sharjah Airport

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With the slogan ‘Smile at Sharjah Airport’ Sharjah Airport Authority Celebrates the International Day of Happiness

Thursday March 21st, 2019

Sharjah Airport Authority (SAA) celebrated the International Day of Happiness, which falls on March 20th each year, with an event entitled ‘Smile at Sharjah Airport’. This event is in line with the directives of the UAE’s wise leadership, who seek to enhance and encourage happiness among the employees and clients of government departments in the UAE.

Organised as part of SAA’s commitment to the community, this celebration was created to spread the culture of happiness and to educate people about the importance of happiness in daily life. A large number of employees and customers participated in the celebration, which included several activities and games.

By creating a positive atmosphere, the celebration aimed to spread happiness and to make the staff and customers at Sharjah Airport happier, because happiness is the best path to successful achievements at all levels.


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